Reddit Users Share Their Best House Cleaning Hacks

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Reddit is a hub of helpful data, including cleaning hacks that are certain to get yous excited to tidy up!

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Whether you lot're a make clean freak or someone who could utilize a lilliputian motivation, at that place's no doubtfulness a helpful hack is much appreciated for getting your home sparkling make clean with less effort. Reddit is one of those platforms that's teaming with helpful information, including incredible cleaning hacks y'all'll wish yous'd known sooner. We've rounded upward 10 of the all-time cleaning hacks to get you started.

Before you read the Reddit users' cleaning hacks, this video reveals some cleaning secrets from the pros.

1. Clean Your Ceiling Fans With a Pillow Case

"Make clean your ceiling fans with an old pillow example!" suggests a Reddit user. "Merely slide it over the blade, pull back and all of the grit will fall into the bottom. Shake it out when you're finished."

2. Use Lemon Juice to Clean Your Microwave

"Any time I use fresh lemon juice for a recipe, I use the lemon halves to make clean my microwave," says a Reddit user. "Pour boiling water over the lemons in a microwave-rubber basin and cook in the microwave for five minutes. The steam will loosen any particles so yous can easily wipe information technology down, and the lemons make it odour great."

3. Make clean Your Drinking glass Shower With This Sponge

"If y'all have a glass shower, wipe the glass with a Magic Eraser to clean information technology. It will become rid of the soap scum and have your shower looking like new," says a Reddit user.

Another user agrees. "Mr. Clean erasers are the Best for cleaning tubs, especially if you have silty h2o. No gloves needed, no nasty sprays to breathe in when you are in a confined space. My only regret was not trying information technology sooner."

iv. Proceed Your Hands Clean While Scrubbing the Toilet

"Don't like getting even clean toilet water on your paws? Get a saucepan of water (I apply a Pine-Sol solution that I use to clean my floors beforehand) so pour it in the toilet. The water volition flush and won't refill, leaving y'all an nearly empty bowl to scrub," suggests a Reddit user.

Got a sluggish toilet? Here's how to fix information technology with a wire coat hanger.

v. Wash the Mildew Scent Out of Fabric With Vinegar

"To get the mildew-y smell out of towels and dish rags, wash them with white distilled vinegar instead of detergent, so rewash with detergent," says a Reddit user. "I usually do it every three or four wash cycles for those two items. Employ almost two cups of vinegar, and launder and dry on as hot as yous tin can!"

These nineteen cleaning hacks will save you money.

6. De-Grease Your Kitchen Extractor Fans With Baking Soda

"Best de-greasing tip for kitchen extractor fans," begins one user. "Remove the metallic filters and place in empty sink. Take dry baking soda and brew the pulverisation into the congealed grease. Plug the sink and pour white vinegar over the filter. Chemical reaction will dissolve grease. Rinse with hot water. Replace sparkling clean filters dorsum in the extractor fan."

In one case your vent filters are clean, here are some excellent tips for getting grease out of your apparel.

7. Utilize Grocery Store Spam Newspaper for Cleaning Drinking glass

"I use Windex and newspaper to clean mirrors and windows," says a Reddit user. "The newspaper doesn't leave streaks or lint backside, different microfiber or paper towels. Weekly circulars that the grocery store spams your mailbox with as well work (and they're costless!)."

This is how to clean windows like a pro.

8. Remove Pet Pilus With Condom Gloves

"The all-time fashion to remove pet hair from furniture is to put on some cheap rubber kitchen gloves and wipe against the grain," says a Reddit user. "This collects all the hair and other dirt neatly and you can vacuum it right up. Way more constructive than lint rollers or only vacuuming. I just cleaned my whole motorcar doing this, and while it takes some time and attempt, information technology's totally worth it. It'south no longer embarrassing to have people in my motorcar!"

9. Clean Garbage Disposal With Ice

"A practiced manner to clean out any remaining food residue from garbage disposals is to put a bunch of ice in in that location," notes a Reddit user. "It's solid enough to get knocked effectually and bump into any food that's there, but it simply melts away, which both makes it impossible for the ice to clunk upwards the disposal plus helps maybe comport away any extra particles."

10. Use Vodka!

Vodka seems to be all the rage for cleaning hacks on Reddit. "Evidently vodka with a couple drops of an essential oil in a spray bottle is extremely effective at removing bad smells. Personally I call back it works meliorate than [Febreze] and Lysol and doesn't give me a headache. I use it on mattresses, couches, chairs, annihilation you can't put in the washer," says one user.

"The vodka/water trick is nifty! Costume departments utilize it because it's the easiest, fastest, cheapest manner to proceed costumes disinfected and odorless," says another user.

And another person says, "I tell literally everyone nigh the vodka thing and no i believes me. I started doing it because it doesn't give me headaches. But you are correct, information technology'south way cheaper and eliminates the scent, not covers it. My son accidentally peed on our couch the other day and I sprayed it on at that place. You would never know. I call back MythBusters did an episode on vodka's ability to eliminate bad smells. It worked."

Here are 10 vintage cleaning hacks that are nevertheless brilliant today.


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