Easy Ice Cream Made With Milk and Fruit

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Most ice cream is made with lots of heavy cream and eggs. It tastes delicious but it's not very health-conscious. Using milk can be a tasty and healthier alternative to traditional cream. For something a little richer, try an ice cream made with sweetened condensed milk. If you prefer vegan options, you can even make ice cream with coconut milk.


  • 4 cups (960 mL) milk (any level of fat)
  • 1 cup (120 g) sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Makes 8 servings

  • 14 ounces (400 mL) sweetened condensed milk (fat-free or regular)
  • 2 cups (450 mL) whipping cream, cold
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Makes 3 pints of ice cream

  • 2 (13- to 15-ounce) cans full-fat coconut milk
  • 1/2 cup (60 g) agave syrup, maple syrup, honey, turbinado sugar, or cane sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 2 tablespoons cornstarch
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • Optional extras: nuts, chocolate (or carob) chips, fruit puree, cacao nibs, etc.

Makes 6 to 8 servings

  1. 1

    Combine milk, sugar, and vanilla in a medium bowl. Measure out each ingredient and add it to a medium-sized bowl. Use a large spoon to stir the ingredients together. Continue stirring until all of the sugar has dissolved.

    • For the milk, any level of fat will do, whether it's fat-free, 2% or full fat.
    • You can also experiment with chocolate milk to create chocolate ice cream.
  2. 2

    Add the mixture to an ice cream maker. If you have an ice cream making machine, pour the mixture into it. Turn it on and process the mixture for about 20 minutes until the mixture has significantly thickened. Pour the mixture in an airtight Tupperware container and put it in your freezer.


  3. 3

    Pour it in a shallow dish if you don't have an ice cream maker. Ice cream makers are nice, but using one is not necessary for this recipe. Pour the milk, sugar and vanilla mixture into a shallow dish that is freezer-safe. Place this dish into your freezer.

  4. 4

    Stir the mixture every 2 to 4 hours. The consistency of the ice cream can be improved by taking it out every 2 to 4 hours and stirring it around. Then place it back into your freezer.

    • If you used an ice cream maker, stir every 4 hours.
    • If you did not use an ice cream maker, stir every 2 to 4 hours after the initial ice crystals have formed.
  5. 5

    Freeze the mixture for 8 hours or overnight. After about 8 hours (and periodic stirring) the ice cream should be fully frozen. It should have an ice cream-like consistency and is ready to serve immediately.

  6. 6

    Top with your favorite toppings and serve. Use an ice cream scoop to transfer the ice cream into serving bowls. Top with chocolate syrup, whipped cream, nuts, dried or canned fruit, and anything else you enjoy on your ice cream.

    • Return any leftovers to the freezer. They will keep for several days.
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  1. 1

    Put the sweetened condensed milk in the refrigerator. Condensed milk is typically sold in non-refrigerated cans. For this recipe, you want make sure the milk is good and cold before mixing your ingredients. Place it in the fridge for a few hours before you get started.

  2. 2

    Use a stand mixer to beat the heavy cream. Take the heavy cream out of the refrigerator and get to work immediately, since you want to make sure your ingredients are very cold when you mix them together. Start by beating the cream at a medium speed using a whisk attachment. Continue beating until stiff peaks form.

    • If you don't have a stand mixer, a hand mixer will work fine.
  3. 3

    Turn the speed to low and add the condensed milk and vanilla. Once your stiff peaks have started to form, take the chilled condensed milk out of the fridge. Turn the mixer speed down to low and slowly pour the condensed milk in with the cream. Add the vanilla extract.

  4. 4

    Turn the speed back up to medium. After the additional ingredients have been added, turn the mixer back up to medium speed. Keep beating the mixture until it thickens and stiff peaks begin to form again. The peaks will be much thicker this time around.

  5. 5

    Customize your ice cream with your favorite add-ins (optional). If you like your vanilla ice cream with additional flavors and additives, now is the time to add them! You can add anything you want, so experiment and have fun. Try adding crushed cookies, fruit purees, nuts, cake pieces, chocolate syrup and more to create your own custom flavor. Stir the mixture well to fully incorporate your add-ins.

    • For example, to make strawberry cheesecake ice cream, add 1 cup of cheesecake and your desired amount of strawberry puree.
    • Mix in 2/3 cup crushed Oreos to make cookies and cream ice cream.
    • Add 1/4 cup mango puree for a fruity mango ice cream.
  6. 6

    Scoop the mixture into a container and freeze it for 6 hours. Transfer your ice cream mixture into a large freezer-safe container that can be resealed (like Tupperware). Put it in the freezer for at least 6 hours, or overnight. After 6 hours, your ice cream is ready to be enjoyed.

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  1. 1

    Pour coconut milk into a saucepan. Shake the cans of coconut milk up vigorously before opening them. Measure out ½ cup of it and set this aside for now. Pour the remaining coconut milk into a saucepan.

    • Coconut milk separates inside the can, so giving it a good shake before using it will reincorporate the liquid with the solid elements.
  2. 2

    Add the sweetener of your choice and salt. Measure out agave, maple syrup, honey or sugar for your ice cream, depending on which you like the best. Add this to the saucepan. Measure out the salt and add that too.

  3. 3

    Stir the coconut milk over medium-low heat for 1-2 minutes. Turn your stove's burner to medium-low heat. Stir the coconut milk mixture as it warms up. Keep stirring until the mixture is warmed through and the sweetener is completely dissolved. This should take 1-2 minutes.

  4. 4

    Combine cornstarch and the reserved coconut milk. Put the cornstarch in a small bowl with the ½ cup coconut milk you reserved. Whisk it briskly. Keep whisking until the cornstarch is completely dissolved.

  5. 5

    Pour the cornstarch mixture into the warm coconut milk. Add the cornstarch mixture to the saucepan with the warm, sweetened coconut milk. Whisk gently to incorporate the two.

  6. 6

    Turn the heat up to medium and cook for 6-8 minutes. Increase the heat and stir the mixture as it begins to cook and thicken. Keep stirring until the mixture is thick enough to coat the back of a spoon. This should take anywhere from 6-8 minutes. Keep your eye on it and don't let it come to a boil.

  7. 7

    Remove from heat and add vanilla. Once your base has thickened, turn off the burner and move the saucepan off the heating element. Add the vanilla to the base and stir to incorporate them. Allow the base to cool for a few minutes.

  8. 8

    Pour the base into a container and refrigerate it. Transfer the base to a shallow container. Cover the container with plastic wrap. Refrigerate it for at least 4 hours or up to 3 days.

  9. 9

    Churn the chilled base for 10-20 minutes. Remove the container from the fridge and take off the plastic covering. The base should have a texture similar to pudding at this point. Pour it into your ice cream maker and start churning. You want the base to thicken quite a bit, until it reaches a similar consistence to soft serve ice cream.

    • Every machine is different, but this should take between 10 and 20 minutes.
    • Add any extras you want at the very end of the churning session, then churn a few more seconds.
  10. 10

    Transfer your ice cream to a container and freeze for 4 hours. Scrape the ice cream from the maker's bowl into a freezer container with a resealable lid. Cover it with a piece of wax or parchment paper, which will protect it from ice crystal formations. Freeze it for 4 hours, until the mixture hardens, and then serve.

    • You may want to remove it from the freezer and place it on the counter for a few minutes to defrost slightly before scooping it.
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  • Question

    If I use a different substance besides vanilla extract, will it result in a different flavor?

    Community Answer

    Yes, it will. If you use another flavor of extract, it will take on that flavor.

  • Question

    Is there any difference if I don't add the vanilla extract?

    Community Answer

    The difference is that the flavor will be more subtle, and you won't be able to taste the vanilla.

  • Question

    What's the recommendation for how many times I stir the regular milk mixture(if I won't use an ice cream maker) before I freeze it for 8 hours?

    Community Answer

    A long time. The idea is to incorporate a LOT of air so that the finished texture is different than that of ice cube.

  • Question

    How do I make homemade chocolate ice cream using milk and cocoa powder?

    Qurat-ul-Ain Murad

    Qurat-ul-Ain Murad

    Community Answer

    When making the mixture in regular milk, You can add cocoa when after mixing the milk with vanilla essence. You have to out the cocoa powder while getting the mixture ready!

  • Question

    Is a there a substitute from cream when making ice cream that I can use instead of cream?

    Qurat-ul-Ain Murad

    Qurat-ul-Ain Murad

    Community Answer

    Yes, there is. You can use any cream from the shop or you can mix milk and sugar and heat it till it's a thick mixture. But do not overheat it.

  • Question

    Do you put hot or cold milk in it?



    Community Answer

    You should be using cold milk when making ice cream. Hot milk will not work.

  • Question

    If I want to put mix-ins when do I put them in?



    Community Answer

    You'll want to add any mix-ins after you mix together your base, but right before putting it in the freezer. See Method 2, Step 5.

  • Question

    If I use can milk instead of whipping cream, how much sugar do I use?

    Community Answer

    No, do not use milk as a substitute. If you were to continually whisk milk with sugar, not much would happen.

  • Question

    How do I make ice cream without an ice cream maker?

    Sophia ZI

    Sophia ZI

    Community Answer

    In the bowl of an electric mixer, whip the cream until stiff peaks form. At low speed, mix in the condensed milk, vanilla, and any flavourings. Pour into a resealable container, cover the surface with plastic wrap, then seal. Freeze for at least 6 hours, or until firm. Keep stored in the freezer.

  • Question

    What would you recommend to make the milk ice cream form a lot faster?

    Taylor Phillips

    Taylor Phillips

    Community Answer

    Put it in a Ziplock back and then put that Ziplock bag in a bigger one filled with ice and rock salt. Shake it up and the milk ice cream should freeze faster.

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Article Summary X

To make ice cream with milk, start by combining 4 cups of milk, 1 cup of sugar, and 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract. Continue stirring until all the sugar has dissolved, then pour the mixture into a freezer-safe bowl. Next, place the mixture in the freezer for 8 hours, stirring it every 2 hours to help improve the consistency. Finally, serve the ice cream with your favorite toppings, or transfer it to a sealable container and keep it in the freezer for up to 3 days. To learn more, like how to make ice cream with condensed milk or coconut milk, read on!

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Source: https://www.wikihow.com/Make-Ice-Cream-with-Milk

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